Cookie Policy

The following information outlines Markup Designs Pvt. Ltd.'s (referred to as "we" henceforth) utilizes cookies and similar technologies when a visitor accesses the website.

Please be aware that this policy might be subject to occasional modifications in response to changes in the company's rules and regulations.

Our deliberate action involves the installation of cookies and related technologies on the user's devices, respecting the choices made by the user. The information collected is contingent on the user's cookie settings on their mobile devices or desktops and includes device identification, IP address, Operating System preferences, and geographic location, all in compliance with relevant regulations.

What are Cookies?

Cookies consist of textual data containing information, which is downloaded when a user revisits a website. While they enhance convenience, privacy concerns arise, prompting regulations to safeguard user data, emphasizing the delicate balance between personalization and privacy in the digital world. 'First-party cookies' are under the control of Markup Designs, while 'third-party cookies' originate from external sources. Cookie Preference icons on websites provide easy access to third-party information.

How Long Cookies Last on a User's Device?

The duration of cookies on a user's device typically varies based on their type. Session cookies, considered transient, persist only as long as your web browser is open and are promptly deleted upon closure. In contrast, the second type, known as persistent cookies, remains on a user's device until their expiration date or until manually removed. The lifespan of persistent cookies is determined by their expiration date, which can be set by the website creator. Our website employs both categories of cookies.

Markup Designs' Strategy: Incorporating Tracking Technologies

We employ tracking technologies to enhance the performance and enhance the user experience on our website. These cookies are activated under specific circumstances, enabling us to recognize users when they browse our web pages. Through preserving user preferences and customizing interactions, these cookies play a role in refining and personalizing the user experience. This streamlined engagement not only boosts the website's speed and security but also facilitates effortless interaction with social media platforms.

In addition, these technologies have a part in delivering ads that are in line with user preferences, resulting in a more pertinent browsing experience. Our team consistently receives detailed reports on website interactions to sustain awareness of user navigation patterns.

Is there a way for users to reject our cookies?

The procedure is rather uncomplicated. Users have the option to alter their cookie preferences by accessing their browser settings or by utilizing the cookie consent manager provided on the website. In addition, users can choose to delete any existing cookies from their devices via their browser's settings. If someone wishes to prevent the use of cookies in the future, this can be done by adjusting the browser's settings or making use of the consent manager on the respective websites.

Nonetheless, it's crucial to acknowledge that choosing to block or delete cookies will unquestionably impact your overall user experience. By disabling or erasing them, you may lose the ability to access customized settings, receive tailored recommendations, or stay logged into your accounts.

Kinds of Cookies Employed on the Website

Markup Designs Pvt. Ltd. has documented its website's cookie usage in the list below:

Essential Cookies

Within the essential cookies category, these particular ones are instrumental in ensuring the effortless navigation of the website and the utilization of its available functionalities. They empower users to explore secure sections of the site, affording them access to restricted areas. As a collective, these tracking technologies guarantee that users can maximize their utilization of the services we provide directly on our platform.

First-Party Analytical Cookies

To ensure a website functions at its best, utilizing first-party analytical cookies becomes crucial. These cookies utilize data analysis techniques to assess and improve the website's performance, ultimately providing content that matches user preferences. Importantly, these cookies refrain from gathering data that could identify individual users or their unique traits. Furthermore, they place a high priority on protecting users' personally identifiable information by not sharing it with any third parties, except in a few specific cases. At times, we may call upon external third-party service providers to support us in certain capacities. It's noteworthy that these providers are contractually committed to utilizing the data exclusively according to our prescribed parameters.

Performance Cookies

These cookies primarily consist of third-party cookies, which originate from vendors collaborating with Markup Designs or operating on our behalf. Their primary responsibility is to collect information related to a user's interactions and activities on the Markup Designs website. One of their primary functions is to monitor user visits and activities on specific pages, such as recording frequently visited pages and identifying instances of error messages for users.

While performance cookies collect data, they refrain from obtaining personally identifiable information from users. Instead, their primary objective is to offer anonymous insights that contribute to improving the overall user experience. The information gathered through these cookies serves exclusively to enhance the website's functionality. Moreover, third-party vendors can access this anonymized data, utilizing it to enhance their services and products.

Functionality Cookies

Functionality cookies play a crucial role in enabling a website to remember user preferences, such as language choices, demographic details, and usernames. These cookies elevate the user's experience by providing enhanced features. Importantly, functionality cookies refrain from tracking user interactions across various websites. They are solely dedicated to improving the browsing experience within the confines of the particular website and do not collect data for advertising purposes or monitor online behavior beyond that website.

Advertising & Social Media Cookies

These cookies encompass the following tracking technologies:

  • Delivering targeted advertisements that align with user preferences
  • Restrict the frequency at which a user encounters the same advertisements
  • Assist in quantifying the effectiveness of advertising endeavors
  • Maximizing Markup Designs' impact through website retargeting
  • Understand consumer behavior following exposure to advertising

Generally, these cookies are activated on our platform with the authorization of advertising networks. Their primary objective is to store the memory of a specific user's past interactions with the website. This helps in identifying returning users who revisit the site, and this information is integrated into the site's functionality, which may involve external entities. As a result, this engagement has the potential to shape the content and messages users come across during their visits to various websites.

If you're using our website and have questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us through the "Talk to Us" link.

To make changes to your cookie settings, simply access your browser's settings.


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