Steadfast Healthcare Apps

Markup proficiently develops lucid mobile and web apps that assist stalwarts of the
healthcare industry to have an easy time moving their business forward

Emancipating Healthcare Mobile & Web Apps Experience

Healthcare industry has direct effect on the quality of life in each country. Compromising with that is a big NO! Markup makes the protocols easy by providing user friendly web and mobile app solutions. Clients employ our techs successfully to manage appointments, communicate with physicians and nurture other services. You can conveniently streamline your job to boost patient satisfaction improving the efficiency of your enterprise. Look great finish and lucrative solutions every time with us.

Get Distinctive

Excel your Healthcare apps & websites with our expertise employing high-end design, user experience & content.

Mobile Apps For Healthcare

Markup boasts a team of highly experienced designers and developers proficient in the latest technologies, crafting top-notch mobile & web healthcare apps. These apps facilitate seamless communication with patients, keeping them informed about their healthcare journey. Our mobile solutions foster trust, honesty, and loyalty between healthcare providers and patients, enhancing the overall patient experience.

Healthcare Web Design

You can place your trust in us completely, as we meticulously comprehend our clients' needs, crafting exceptional medical care websites to alleviate their customers' concerns. Markup Designs leverages top-tier web graphics and integrates high-quality user interfaces to create multifunctional websites. We employ customized coding and the latest technologies to enhance user experiences and improve search engine rankings.

Online Patient- Doctor Solutions

Enhancing patient care has consistently remained a paramount concern for healthcare providers from the outset. Markup creates platforms that grant patients effortless access to consultations with doctors and solutions to their inquiries. Our team of expert developers simplifies the process, ensuring that your patients can easily access the finest treatment and care alternatives.

Convenient Apps

Our developers understand that client satisfaction is essential for success. Therefore, our applications and websites are user-friendly and designed to help clients achieve their primary business goals. In the healthcare sector, Markup Designs consistently delivers innovative and intuitive solutions that leave clients thoroughly satisfied.

Resolved Cases

Markup Designs transforms clients' concerns into innovative mobile apps and web solutions.

Enhancing Access to Healthcare with Location Services

Challenge: The client, a prominent hospital chain, aimed to improve patient accessibility to their healthcare services. They wanted to add a feature to their existing mobile app that would enable users to locate and navigate to the nearest health center within the chain.

Solution: Our healthcare web and app development team integrated advanced location services into the client's app. Users could now input their location or enable GPS, and the app would display the nearest health center on a map. Detailed directions, contact information, and services offered were also provided.

Results: The addition of this feature significantly improved patient convenience, reduced wait times, and increased overall patient satisfaction. It streamlined access to critical healthcare services across the hospital chain's network, benefiting both patients and the organization.

Empowering Health Professionals to Educate on Disease-Specific Treatments

Challenge: A group of dedicated health professionals sought to educate the public about the importance of disease-specific treatments through in-depth blogs and articles. They needed a platform to reach a wider audience effectively.

Solution: Markup’s healthcare web and app development team created a robust website that featured the professionals' articles and blogs. We designed an intuitive interface for easy navigation and incorporated SEO strategies to enhance online visibility. The platform allowed the team to publish informative content, share research findings, and engage with readers effectively.

Results: The website became a valuable resource for patients seeking information on disease-specific treatments. The professionals successfully educated a broader audience, raising awareness about the importance of tailored healthcare solutions. Traffic and engagement on the platform increased significantly, making a positive impact on healthcare education.

Assisting Patients with Post-Consultation Wellbeing Tracking

Challenge: The hospital authority aimed to enhance patient care by assisting patients in monitoring their wellbeing post-consultation. They needed a digital solution to streamline this process effectively.

Solution: Markup Designs engineered a user-friendly mobile app to solve this issue. Patients could log their vital signs, medication adherence, and symptoms daily. The app featured secure communication channels for patients to consult doctors if issues arose. It also integrated with the hospital's database for a comprehensive view of patient history.

Results: Patients reported increased satisfaction, knowing they had a tool to track their health. Hospital staff could monitor patient data remotely, enabling timely interventions. This innovative solution improved patient outcomes and the hospital's reputation for quality care.

Our Sensational Techs

Our engineers employ the latest tools & trends to hand you

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    We employ advanced UI/UX tools to craft visually captivating and user-friendly mobile app interfaces for your healthcare enterprise. This ensures that you consistently deliver the best user experience to your clients, leaving a lasting impression

    • FigmaFigma
    • Adobe XDAdobe XD
    • InvisionInvision
    • Adobe IllustratorAdobe Illustrator
    • ZeplinZeplin
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    Front-End Development

    Collaborate with top front-end developers utilizing cutting-edge UI and UX tools like React.Js, Angular, Mean, Vue.Js, and more. They create empowering mobile and web apps tailored for your healthcare industry, ensuring exceptional user experiences and functionality.

    • MeanMean
    • MernMern
    • AngularAngular
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    Back-End Development

    Markup leverages cutting-edge tools including PHP, Python, Laravel, MongoDB, Node.js, and Lamp for dynamic and resilient backend development, adding strength and reliability to web and mobile apps in the healthcare sector.

    • PHPPHP
    • LaravelLaravel
    • PythonPython
    • SymfonySymfony
    • Node.jsNode.js
    • CodeigniterCodeigniter
    • Cake PHPCake PHP
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    eCommerce & CMS

    Our developers specialize in selecting contemporary CMS platforms to transform your healthcare app into an e-commerce showcase, implementing responsive, scalable, and user-friendly technologies to ensure app success

    • WP eCommerceWP eCommerce
    • Woo CommerceWoo Commerce
    • ShopifyShopify
    • DrupalDrupal
    • WordpressWordpress
    • MagentoMagento
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    App Development

    Clients can depend on Markup Designs for the conceptualization, wireframing, and creation of responsive healthcare mobile apps. Be assured as we leverage advanced software tools and technologies to deliver optimal results.

    • iOSiOS
    • AndroidAndroid
    • FlutterFlutter
    • React NativeReact Native
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    Rest assured, our Quality Assurance professionals rigorously test healthcare mobile and web apps using advanced tools, ensuring seamlessness, optimum value, and customer satisfaction every time.

    • JMeterJMeter
    • JenkinsJenkins
    • TestNGTestNG

Be Bold! Be With
Markup Designs!

We excel in our field, and we're proud of it! Our healthcare
solutions elevate your business to new heights.

Hardworking Techies

We take great pride in our expertise and provide cutting-edge technology solutions to the healthcare industry, enabling them to embrace technological innovation and stay at the forefront of healthcare's future.

Engaging Models

Rather than adhering to unnecessary rigid parameters, Markup Designs' developers consistently offer our clients flexibility, allowing them to choose from a variety of engagement and hiring models.

Transparent Methodologies

We highly value your ideas and vision, ensuring regular updates on every project detail. Your valuable input is always considered, and for transparency, all processes and codes are accessible to you on GIT for review and utilization.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers of some of the common questions asked by our elite clientele

? What healthcare app services does Markup Designs provide?
A We specialize in developing a wide range of healthcare apps, including telemedicine apps, patient management systems, wellness and fitness apps, EMR and EHR systems, and healthcare analytics solutions. Reach us to get a definite solution.
? What technologies do you use for healthcare app development?
A Our developers are proficient in various technologies, including React Native, Flutter, PHP, Python, and SQL databases, to create robust and secure healthcare apps.
? How do you ensure the security of healthcare data in your apps?
A Markup implements industry-standard security practices, including encryption, role-based access control, and HIPAA compliance, to protect patient data and maintain confidentiality.
? Can your developers integrate third-party APIs into healthcare apps?
A Yes, we have a skilled team who can integrate APIs for EMR systems, payment gateways, telemedicine platforms, and more to enhance the functionality of your healthcare app.
? Do you provide post-launch support and maintenance for healthcare apps?
A Absolutely, Markup offers ongoing support, updates, and maintenance services to ensure your healthcare app runs smoothly and stays up-to-date with evolving industry standards.
? How long does it take to develop a healthcare app?
A The development timeline varies based on the complexity and features of your app. You can reach our executives on call with your specified query and we will get back to you with a proficient solution.
? What steps do you take to ensure the user-friendliness of healthcare apps?
A We conduct extensive user research and testing to create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces, ensuring a positive experience for both patients and healthcare professionals.
? Can you assist with FDA approvals for medical device apps?
A While we don't handle FDA approvals directly, we can guide you through the development process to align with FDA requirements and connect you with regulatory experts if needed.
? Do you offer custom solutions for specialized healthcare needs?
A Yes, certainly! We specialize in tailoring healthcare apps to meet your unique requirements, whether you need solutions for telemedicine, remote monitoring, or specific medical specialties.
? What is the first step to begin developing a healthcare app with your company?
A Simply reach out to us via our contact form or phone, and our healthcare app experts will schedule a consultation to discuss your project's details and requirements.

If you want to choose the most affordable and top-notch mobile app & web development services, then we're just a call away.