Privacy Policy

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and review our Privacy Policy. We want to assure you that protecting your privacy and credentials is of utmost importance to us. Our Privacy Policy, which is covered under the User Agreement, outlines how we collect, use, maintain, and disclose information obtained from users of our site. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.

To use our services and access our platform, users are required to review and accept our privacy policy. By logging in, signing up, or providing personal information, users explicitly agree to our terms and conditions and consent to the processing of any personal data they share, as detailed in the policy.

Markup Designs Pvt. Ltd takes privacy and data protection seriously. While users are not required to provide personal details when accessing our official site, we may request such information for identification purposes. Rest assured that any information provided will be used only as stated in our privacy statement, ensuring that your privacy is respected and protected.

General Data Protection Regulation GDPR

We fully understand the significance of adhering to the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. Our team is committed to prioritizing customer requirements and implementing all necessary measures to comply with the guidelines. For any inquiries related to GDPR, please reach out to us at

Information We Collect About You

We collect the following types of information:

  • An individual may be identified by name, telephone number, and email address.
  • The information that is about you individually but doesn’t identify you, like your company name and role in the company.

How We Collect Information?

We collect the following information:

  • When you directly provide it to us by entering the details.
  • When you navigate the site, the details collection may automatically contain usage details, IP addresses, web beacons, cookies, and other tracking technologies.

Information You Provide To Us

The details we receive through our website include:

  • By filling out online forms or registering on our site, you provide us with information such as your name, contact details, and specific requests. This could include subscribing to our blog, inquiring about our services, applying for a job, or requesting a demonstration.
  • Your name, location, address, company name, phone number, or email address.
  • Records of your correspondence to contact us like an email address or phone number.
  • The privacy and security of our user's personal information are of utmost importance to us. Rest assured that any details submitted through our resume section will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and will only be used for employment purposes. We do not share this information with external agencies or third parties.

Information Collected Through Automatic Data Collection Technologies

We implement automatic data collection technologies on our website to gather information about users' browsing habits, patterns, and the devices they use. These technologies help us understand user behavior and improve our site. However, we respect user privacy and ensure that collected data is handled responsibly and in compliance with applicable laws.

  • Details about your internet connection and computer, like browser type, operating system, IP address, or domain
  • Information of your visit to our site, including location, traffic data, communication data, or logs.

Technologies We Use to Collect Data Include:

User information – We collect details from your mobile device or web browser every time you access our site.

Log files – We collect location-specific and demographic information like age, gender, ZIP code, favorites, interests, names, and other personal details.

Cookies – Cookies are stored in web browsers by the webserver. We use different cookies to make it easier for you to navigate our site.

Web beacons/web bugs in emails – Web pages on our emails may contain small electronic files as such web beacons or web bugs.

Local shared object and flash cookies – Some features of our website may use located stored objects to get stored information for navigation purposes.

Data Privacy:

We prioritize your privacy and have strict protocols in place to safeguard your personal information. Rest assured that we do not engage in any trade or business ventures with third parties for commercial gains. Your data privacy is of utmost importance to us!

Why We Use Your Data

We collect your personal data to ensure the best possible experience for you! Our goal is to provide efficient and effective services, which is why we use your information to enhance and tailor our offerings. Rest assured, we always prioritize your privacy and comply with all legal requirements.

Upkeeping Transparency and Professional Values

Markup Designs Pvt. Ltd. is a truly exceptional organization that has been making waves in the global market since 2012. With our unrivaled expertise in Mobile Applications, web development, UI/UX designing, software development, digital transformation, and other IT services, we have successfully served numerous clients worldwide. Our dedicated team is committed to maintaining transparency and upholding professional values, ensuring our clients receive the utmost satisfaction throughout their projects. With us, you can expect nothing but the best!

Changes to the Present Privacy Policy

At Markup Designs, we believe in keeping our users informed and updated. As we work towards enhancing our services, we may make changes to our privacy policy from time to time. We encourage you to check this page regularly so that you can stay informed about how we protect your private information. Your diligence in reviewing this policy is greatly appreciated.


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